Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I am not dead!

Just really, really busy. So busy, in fact, that little progress has been made in all things yarn related. So nothing to cry about or sigh about (Thank you all for the good advice, by the way! It's good to know that I am not alone!) or triumph about. And the busy-ness should continue past the 4th of July, so there won't be much to report on for awhile (well, except all my lovely vacations... to Mackinac Island... and Traverse City... and to the U.P. next weekend... lots o' driving!).

I will be reading your blogs, of course. And when I have something worth reporting on, Yarn Over will be exciting once more! :-)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Why am I sighing? The great foray into sock knitting is not going well. After countless hours wrestling with size 2 dpns (which are small, people!) and sock yarn (which is not like a good ol’ WW wool, let me tell you...) I was making progress. Sure, it was only about 7 rounds, but enough so I could actually see the ribbing pattern begin to take shape. The dpns were behaving nicely and I was starting to get into a nice little rhythm.

And then I f*&ked it all up.

Because, while admiring my pretty little ribbing pattern, I noticed a dropped stitch from the second round. Out came my Knitting for Dummies book and crochet hook. “Not a problem,” I said. And then a bunch of things happened at once involving yarn and 3 dpns and a hook and trying to figure out if the stitch should have been a knit or purl and to make a long story short.... it became a problem. I then continued knitting.... and realized my ribbing is all goofed up now. As in, K2P2 is now like K4P2 in that one section.

Insert scream of frustration.

I could tink and try and fix it, but given my obsessiveness and the fact that I will probably make it worse, I think scrapping my wee tiny bit of progress and starting over is the way to go. Which is why I am sighing.

Because that wee tiny bit of progress was several hours worth of work.

Maybe I should go back to crocheted snowflakes?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A June Snow Storm

... if by "snow storm" you mean "three tiny little flakes," that is!

My blocking is a bit erratic on these; one of them is really quite deformed. I need to take more time before spraying the starch. Lesson learned! I have this wonderful fantasy of including (non-deformed) snowflakes in my Christmas cards this year... will this come to pass? That depends if the cold front stays in Ann Arbor for more than a few days! :-)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Five things

First: Read this. It is the funniest post ever. I laughed so hard that I cried.

Second: I have continued bicycling and am now up to 5 miles a night. I feel like I am going to collapse into a wheezing, sweaty mass afterwards... but hey! We’re not all Lance Armstrongs. And my behind is feeling much better since I bought a nice pair of padded biking shorts (just in case you are wondering about the state of my tush...).

Third: I have not really been doing anything crafty worthy of taking a pic of. I finished a crocheted snowflake last night and started another. Is it really worth taking a pic before they are blocked and starched? Maybe when I have a whole pile done. I also bought size 2 dpns to start my first pair of knitted socks. I am trying to gather the courage to take the plunge.

Fourth: Summer reading has taken over my book list. What’s summer reading, you may ask? Well, it can’t be too complicated and it must be a paperback and there can’t be “themes” or “symbols” or “character development” or even much “plot!” For me, this means Ngaio Marsh mysteries (think a New Zealand Agatha Christie). Her stories are fun, but I confess that I usually solve the mystery at about the third chapter. They are ridiculously easy. Which is perfect for summer reading! Besides easy cozies, I have also started Kon Tiki (and am trying to ignore the racism, outdated theories, and wanton killing of sharks in the hopes that the story of the journey will be worth it) which sorta qualifies as it is easy and I already know the outcome!

Fifth: There is no fifth. I just felt like I should have five items on my list!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Blue feet and a bruised behind?

I can add another FO to the list (the...er... imaginary list I keep in my head...cuz I don't actually keep a list...er... ok, I do! I am all list-making and anal. Sorry.)! So Fuzzy Feet are off the needles and felted. I am very happy with the way they turned out (except the toes, which are a little wonky, but still not bad for the first attempt). Each FF didn't take a terribly long time and they were a great intro to sock-making.

Here are the Fuzzy Feet pre-felting:

And post-felting:

And on my hubby's feet (though still wet and uncomfortable):

Ahhhh... fuzzy goodness! :-)

And on to a completely unrelated issue. Such as the fact that I went bike riding the last two nights for the first time since I was 12. And. Let me tell you. My tush is paying the price for it! Ouch! :-) It's fun, though. My hubby and I are just biking around the neighborhood right now, since I am majorly out of shape. I was puffing and wheezing after 3 miles tonight. But I hope we continue biking, because I know I will eventualy get into shape... if my behind cooperates!

Monday, June 05, 2006

My very first crocheting pupil!

It’s true. I taught somebody how to crochet yesterday! Well, I tried at least. I am NOT a very good teacher and have a hard time verbalizing actions, so my method was more on the lines of, “Watch what I am doing and then try it yourself.” But she seemed to a) get it and b) like it enough that she wanted to borrow the yarn, hook, and a beginner crocheting book I own.

Hopefully I have started her on a long path of obsessing over all things yarn-related!