When I revived this blog last summer/fall, I had promised that I was going to talk about my non-yarn hobbies, too. I have been terrible about that promise, though, even though I spend a huge amount of time on them. I'm not sure why. Maybe I think that the people who stop and look at my knitting won't have the same taste in movies/books/games as I do? On the other hand, I love when the knit blogs I read mention something besides knitting. I have found many great books and movies based on the fact that I like so-and-so's taste in knitting patterns, so I *must* like her taste in movies, too. Ok, that logic is completely busted, but it has been true a surprising amount of times.
Anywho. Besides re-knitting my sleeve in the proper color (ahem), I have been watching:
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? This is part of my Top 100 challenge that I blogged about, oh I don't know, six months ago or so. Excellent movie. It was a bit like watching a car wreck; you feel like you should look away, but are strangely compelled to keep watching the carnage unfold on screen. Taylor and Burton were amazing.
Spirited Away and
Howl's Moving Castle. I have been on an anime kick recently and these are the two I started with. They are from the same studio and share a lot of the same themes, which is why I mention them together. The animation is beautiful and the stories intriguing. The stories never quite go where you expect them to, which makes them much more engaging than a Disney movie (at least, to me). My hubby and I often sit and talk about the motivations and meanings in these movies for days afterwards. Also, Christian Bale does the voice of Howl and man! That man has a sexy voice! :-)
If anybody out there has any anime recommendations, please leave them in the comments. Specifically for movies, as I don't have the patience to watch a long series right now. Thanks!