Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Literary Post (not really)

I finished reading "The Know It All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World" the other night.

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Despite the goofy title, it is a fun read. Light on plot, so it was nice to keep on the bedside table and read the hubby interesting bits (like the fact that dalmations' urine is the most similar to humans. Who knew?). Although the author's insecurities and constant need of validation could be a little tiring (I, for one, happen to think I am smart enough without reading an entire encyclopedia, but maybe I just have an inflated ego), the gentle "overall" message of the book is worth it.

On other literary fronts, I received this in the mail as a belated b-day gift:

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I love it! The patterns look pretty easy with clear instructions; plus they are for items I would actually consider making! (Well, there is one hideous hat, but that's it.) My biggest gripe so far about crocheting has been that a lot of the patterns are old-fashioned and ugly (sorry!). The knitters seem to get all the cool ones. But this book seems to be in the newer, trendier wave of stuff. Tre cool!

I have my first package for my SP all ready to go. Just need to drop it off tomorrow at the post office. The other package that I will be dropping off is books for Katrina victims (to make this a completely book-related post!). The hubby and I have amassed quite a few books, so we culled duplicates to send. I hope they make whomever they wind up with as happy as they have made us!

And now, back to the crocheting....


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